Kikù’s DJ mix for Karen Vogt’s radio show called “Lost, Found, and Lost Again”. will be on air tomorrow (Thursday) at 1pm UK/2pm CEST France on @camp_fr in the 2nd hour & a sneak listen of a future release.
I made an hour-long djmix for Karen Vogt's radio show "lost, found, and lost again". It will be on-air tomorrow at 2 pm in Paris.
The mix is very personal. It features works by musicians I admire and artists I am currently working with.
Mixing the beautiful ambient of Ana Paula and Clara de Asis with the minimal electronic sounds of Joe Gilmore was a fun experience. It was like we were all in a Parisian radio studio having a fantastic time. This mix is a map of the constellations for me, as they all exist in different parts of the world and shine in their way.
Karen Vogtのラジオ番組、"lost, found, and lost again" のために1時間ほどのDJmixをつくりました。明日の午後2時にオンエア予定です。
Ana Paula や Clara de Asisの美しいアンビエントにJoe Gilmoreのミニマルな電子音を混ぜることは楽しい経験でした。そうすることでまるで皆でパリのラジオスタジオでクールなひとときをすごすような気になります。みんな世界中にバラバラに存在しながらそれぞれが輝いているわけだけど、そういう意味ではこのミックスは僕にとっての星座の地図かな。